I would like to draw your attention to a rather annoying advert that you are currently running on the television at the moment. The advert is really get on my wick and I would just like to add that I am not alone. Every person in the household is sick and tired of this big bellied gentleman singing to us in an operatic voice.
The first advert you ran was annoying at the time and every advert after that has been as equally annoying. Yes I am talking about the big operatic ‘Go Compared’ gentleman. He pops onto our television at frequent intervals and sings in that horrible operatic tone.
I would just like to say, ‘WE GET IT!’ go compared is an insurance comparison website. Here is an interesting point though, I would rather listen to a Meerkat talking to me about his ancestors, or chew off my own ear than listen to this advert again.
Thank you
An irate couch potato