Dear ASDA, I have just returned from ASDA Arnold where after spending £150 at approx. 10:45 29/09/16 I went to purchase some Lotto tickets for this Friday night the section was very busy.

On the return section their was 2 x Ladies and on the Sandwich/Drinks Papers and Lotto section their was one lady working her socks off.

After 10min in the queue at the Sandwich/Drinks Papers and Lotto section, I went to the Return section that is 3 feet away and with 2 x ladies doing nothing, so I asked if they were taking Lotto and one pointed me to the end of the queue “priceless”

Saturday I was in the Sandwich/Drinks Papers and Lotto section and asked for Lotto and was asked by the lady to move to the till on the Return section where she was working.

A while a go on the Sandwich/Drinks Papers and Lotto section at about 07;30 with a drink and a sandwich I was asked to go to a check out, I actually stood my ground and said I was prepared to wait, I was the only one in the Sandwich/Drinks Papers queue I was served with in 3 mins.

Its not rocket science what we are looking for is excellent customer service, they should either be helping the lady on Lotto who is under the cosh, or taking Lotto orders out of the queue while they are having a chin wag, or not contributing.

with a Lotto jackpot of 112M this Friday it is going to be busy.

I do not usually complain but for the 3rd time on this section I am compelled to do so, please pass this on to the Arnold ASDA Manager.

Mr P Kilgariff