Dear Sainsbury (and other huge supermarkets),
I strongly disagree with GMO foods being sold such as soy beans or even animals which were fed food that has been genetically modified. If you must – labeling MUST be in place that would be easy to understand and instantly draw attention. Food which doesn’t naturally appear must NOT be eaten by anybody – whether it’s an animal or a person. I am a vegan and GMO fed animals do not directly affect me though there are masses of people who are not even familiar with the concept or have no other choice than to buy this food (especially, if it’s not being LABELED). I truly understand that you are a huge capitalistic chain which is interested in profit. However, not telling the whole story behind the foods you deliver to people is lying and I do still have hope that your big bosses still might have enough morals to be able at least label all food accurately. If that is not going to change, you are going to lose customers like me. I’m willing to grow my food or buy from farmers. Also, I will make sure that everybody who I know is aware of things happening at the moment. At this point I don’t care how much time I’ll need to spend and how much effort to make in order to make your chain look like what you are. And you know who you are.
Have a nice day for whoever is reading. Please have a think about this and think if you want your children, parents or other family members and friends consume the foods you produce or anything from this chain that supports this idea. Illusions must stop.

So maybe you’d like to inform us what is so dreadfully wrong with GMOs? And what exactly they have to do with capitalism? And why Sainsburys, as a business, should NOT be interested in profit?
“Food which doesn’t naturally appear must NOT be eaten by anybody – whether it’s an animal or a person” – That’s good – all of the genes used in genetic modification appear in nature. So therefore by your logic, they’re fine. If you want to take it up to the macro level though, in terms of actual food – bananas cannot survive in nature. Domestic cows are also not a naturally-appearing organism – they are a product of selective breeding (OH NO! GMO!), so ban beef too, and cull every cow? I could go on.
Everything you’ve said smacks of someone who has absolutely no idea of why they’re opposed to GMOs, and has simply found a buzzword in the media to fearmonger over. You lack the understanding that nearly all food is ‘genetically modified’ now – be it through selective breeding, cross-breeding or occasionally DNA manipulation – yet where are the waves of health problems resulting from the consumption of this?. You don’t actually explain why this is bad.
Your comment – “I strongly disagree with GMO foods being sold” – shows that you have a strong anti-GMO bias and, like plenty of people in this country, you want something to be stopped because you, personally, don’t agree with it. Well I don’t agree with you being able to spew rubbish on a public forum – can we ban you from the internet too?