Dear Sir/Madam,
I am not one that often complains, but you may be interested to hear of my recent experience in your store.
It began with what I usually term: ’junk mail’!
Amongst the more lurid offers, there was a small illustrated leaflet from your company.
One item caught my eye.
It was a novelty craft set; you will know the one I mean as no doubt you were a party to the printing of the said leaflet.
“The very gift for our grand-daughter’s birthday!”
My husband and I set off almost immediately.
As you are aware, your store/warehouse occupies a vast space. At first, we were confident that we had enough ability to track down the item for ourselves.
We walked up and down the Toys section. No sign of it.
Then we tried the long section devoted to Stationery. No luck there either.
We would have to ask someone.
We managed to find a young man who seemed very helpful. He knew the item we meant, although we did not think to bring the illustrated leaflet with us.
“Aisle Four, near the bottom,” he instructed us confidently.
So off we set again.
But try as we might, we could still not find the craft set.
My husband was beginning to get irritated. He asked a girl assistant this time.
She, too, seemed to know what we were searching for. And she directed us back to the Stationery section!
“Why can’t someone just go and get it for us?” my husband exclaimed.
And it did seem a reasonable question.
But all the staff seemed intent on their own particular tasks, whilst customers were left to fend for themselves!
We gave up. We went to the checkout with a couple of smaller household items.
On the checkout counter lay the original leaflet.
“We’ve been trying to find this item,” said my husband, indicating it exactly.
The checkout operator shouted over to someone else.
He disappeared to look for it.
Then he returned, after at least ten minutes, to say:
“It hasn’t been delivered here, yet!”
What a fiasco!
What a waste of time!
Does no-one know what is or isn’t in stock? Does no-one take responsibility for customers? I would have expected that customers should come first, ahead of shelf-stacking; unpacking; whatever!
Needless to say, it will be a very long time before I can persuade my husband to visit your store again!
If ever!
Yours truly,
E I Arslan (Mrs)