After many years now of doing the shopping for myself, my wife and two
children, i feel i have developed into a shrewd buyer. I am sure if i had
more time i could develop this into an art and give loads of advice to
other consumers especially the needy and poor members of the public.
Well, i thought i was clever until i came up against morrisons ( i started
shopping there as my daughter got a weekend job and i could get 10 per
cent discount )
The problem started when i bought some dishwasher tablets; i scrutinised
the shelf and the goods as i always do and i thought i knew the price but
when i got home, 3 pounds more. Then i saw no discount for peas as
suggested on the shelf plus tuna in brine was double the price.
I know i can make the odd error ( very rare in shops) but not three in one
go, so i called them to see where i had gone wrong and she explained to
me i had picked the wrong items up, not the ones i thought. Oh the peas
were okay though; for some reason the checkout hadn’t registered the
So next time i went to the store. i noticed that items that were more costly
were put on shelves where a special offer was on which meant people
would pay more than they thought. This was happening on a number of
items especially with items that were similar, eg tuna, dishwasher tablets.
Anyway i am even more vigilant now and as roger daltrey of THE WHO