To the good people at Vodafone customer services;
I’ve been on a Vodafone pay-as-you-go plan since they first came out and largely, the experience has been a good one. I’ve always been able to get a signal – unless I’m in the Sunflower Garden Chinese take-away in Pitmedden – and until today, have only once needed to call customer support.
Ordinarily, I don’t mind dealing with an answering machine. It’s fine when I want to top up the credit on my phone and to have a real person on the other end at hideous o’clock in the morning would be impractical, to say the least. However, when the debit card that I have been using over the past year is refused by the system as “unregistered”, I want to actually speak to someone – preferably someone who knows what they’re doing. Instead of patching me through to an operator, the machine simply told me to call a different number for ‘card related queries’.
So I called the other number, and guess what? A machine answered again. The same shrill voice told me to choose from a list of options, one of which offered the seemingly ellusive ‘help’ that I sought. So I did as I was told – I pressed buttons when prompted and lo-and-behold, was transferred to yet another machine. Following ten minutes of entirely useless advice, I hung up and chose another option, trying to alter my card details through the ridiculous automated process. I presumed that as I’d just moved house, the change of address would be the culprit in making the payment process difficult. I was right, as it turns out, but apparently Vodafone’s voice recognition software can’t understand my half-Sheffield-half-Aberdonian accent. So, rather than transfer me to an advisor, the machine hung up.
No, I’m not kidding, the machine Hung Up. At this point, I got a little mad and decided to try a tactic that I often use when dealing with computers – press any old button until you confuse the machine and are transferred to someone with a pulse. Only, Vodafone’s computer hung up on me again. So, under the advice of a friend, I tried not doing anything, waiting to see if the system would transfer me. But no. I was hung up on for a third time.
At this point, I checked the Vodafone website and then tried dialing the helpline number from my mobile. I didn’t have any credit left though, so the system patched me through to the top-up line which, as my reason for calling in the first place, wasn’t at all helpful.
After another internet search, I found the Vodafone numbers to call from a landline – all of which were 0870. And this is really where Vodafone lost any good-grace I was willing to give. I find it unacceptable that when there is a fault in the system, the paying customer has to spend more money in order to sort it out. Essentially, we’re being charged for the priviledge of a broken phone system.
At least here I finally got through to a living, breathing human being and yes, the fault in the top-up computer was because I’d changed address. The woman on the other end of the line quickly and effectively changed the details and put some more my phone as well.
Time on phone to real person: Under two minutes.
Time on phone to the computer: Close to an hour.
I find it wholly unacceptable the a telephone operator can not be reached by telephone. Heaven forbid my phone ever breaks again. Rather than risk another encounter with the dire machine, I will smash up my phone – and all other technology in my house – and revert to a medieval state of living.
Please do not force such measures upon me.
Yours sincerely,
Frances Moldaschl
‘Tis a sad reflection of de-humanised times,
When it’s a machine that answers the phone,
Oh for the days, to a person we’d speak,
And we didn’t feel quite so alone,
Of our problems we’d tell, and we’d get a reply
The voice of a human we’d hear,
But now, all we get is press 1, 2 or three
So frustrating you just want to cry,
Well here is my plea, and I’m not unique
Put me through to someone who’ll talk
‘Cos if you don’t, I’ll hang up the phone, and have a fit of the pique
vodafone have gone to pot services are poor and this year new systems caused bad problems i am leaving tony davis
2.3.17. seems to us that taking advantage of the public is going to wreck this country and many others incl USa. The perpetrators are both the establ and private enterprise helped by the out of control press. the press told us that none of the below is of any value yet pictures of semi naked woman is.The police told us the same and attempted to use violence.Heres a bit more of 1000pp.Meanwhile try lisnin to Bob bellars Ten Tec receiver at 14.00 Uk 8Am US. 7days. Its called 38.40. No its not commercial and so its noisy. dont be offended by some unethical commements do what you normally do and pick out bits that might cause you to do something.
2.3.17 Sent to Voda CEO. mr Hoencamp.Email. Voda Offices Exist in Newbury and Cent London in UK.Please note- if we get no reply we will pay visit to Newbury and London offices to find out why. Here is our request to the Vodaphone Org. Account on a 351 account lapsed we lost the default tel number.07503 887514 We then found that a Email Account that we have cannot be accessed any other way other than by retrieving and then using the lost tel number. We have tried for over a year to open the Email Account but theres no known way other than the aforementioned way. The data in the locked email account is small part of other UK national and local evidence. . But read note at foot of text. Here is the message- Because the said Email Account contains our important evidence not routine data and its vital for life support within certain political.medical and other contexts.The data is part of 1000 pages of sworn evidence. We now know that the late number has not been re employed so please can you help us re –instate it. We only need the number for a period long enough to download a verification code from Email Account vendor. This period could range from a few minutes to a few days depending on the operation tactics of the said vendor. Should you want proof of the urgency we are quite prepared to disclose a paragraph or two of our typical activity and in fact have done so at a later stage of this text. Bu, be prepared for a shock in that respect.Our activities have begun to embrace aspects of Austalia which is where we think Voda HQ is. We are unimpressed by your failure to provide suitable communication within the UK and the ignored complaints by your clients. We ourselves can and do better than you and what are you? A comms company.. WE CAN GUARANTEE EMAIL AS FOLLOWS – Llandline here is UK 01329841173 thats 24hrs/7days.
The Below Was Sent To A Customer Of Voda Who Is Spanish .The customer like many others.asked Voda for help and got none. So we thought it would be a good idea to enlighten that Spanish person.Prior to considering the exposure in Newbury .Seems Voda got their ideas from EBAY and otheres. That policy almost destroyed Ebay. Similar situation with Facebook and others. No discipline. No effective controls. Drugged govt.Nice Eh.
Spain ? See the comments from us on this site re our locked Email Account caused by Voda erasing our tel number.Here is part of the data mentioned in our other text-The Spanish children who died etc etc By the way the 1000pp evidence mentioned in the text below includes that regarding to deception used re the lufthansa Air Disaster. That evidence implicates 100s of people to incl the UK and Europe Universities. Police. WHO. MEPs. cameron and the Psychlogical society Leics UK who are partners to Lufthansa. The CEO at L-Hansa was sent questions and has not replied. Nor has any UK MP or MEP.We have endured police attacks which were aimed at silencing the situation but that failed too. We now have more fa cts re HM Coroners. HM Courts. HM Bar Council. HM CPS. HM Lieutenants. Princes Trust and so on. and others incl the Uk local Govt scene. Our websites were destroyed by we don’t know who. This issue is not going to go away cept through justice. Heres a bit more- a University in Uk Exeter UK has around 20 people teaching Spanish. The fact is the university is one of the many in UK using deception re Mental Health issues which are of course the main reason for the air disaster. They and no one – one wants to respond because of poss man-slaughter litigation and that includes Cameron was a regular visitor to Exeter and in that area are mental health scandles backed by Police and charities and local MPs.The crime is of course attempting to pervert the course of justice.The present situation includes £3000 000 mal funding which also embraces a Dutch Uni. .We are about to start drowning Spain and Germany with the evidence. This will shock and alarm many people who relied on the press and media rings which incl BBC who advised us -‘hide the documents abroad’.by the way the area Newbury berks Uk shown to be address of Voda is one of the area we looked at and its part of the considerable evidence which removed Cameron. The woman MAY ex home office is not a Prime minister. The facts about her are gradually being distributed despite intensive email blocking nationwide.This whole story started when we were advised to stop using state of the art remedial tactics on psychiatric clients who had recd anything up to 25 yrs dangerous help from the NHS and private systems. We then began to investigate and in the end found around 30.000 avoid deaths over period 35yrs. all mis represented by entire UK press incl Dimbleby. Labour Party. Liberal Party Con party. and their funders which incl Lord Chadlington at Camerons Constituency office who wont respond.The following ministers were removed by us- Clegg. Pickles. Brennan. Grayson.there are many others incl MAY still to be removed. Theres no govt because of what we have found going on in Electoral commission helped by Local Govt.Local Press ring.The issues abound in Scotland. IOM. N-Ireland etc.the area Berks is one oif the prime offenders. We mean Thames Valley Police. Firms. Press. Health. May lives there at the moment but the evidence has not yet been released there. We dont know if she will end up in courts or not. When we took evidence round to MAy no one would come down the stairs. They had been tipped off by Euro Parl Office that we previously visited. It was them who assured us that nothing can be done about crrptn in EEC. The police attacks aimed at us of course failed. No MP has ever answered any mail. We incl the assistant to the Dept Health Brine. and the Home office character Hollingsberry.We found no democratic principle anywhere in uk which was sincere or congruent. If VODA ceo ignores this then it is not lawful as this is a crime report of course. Lets see.We also want the name of the person who downloads and reads this crime report.The legal descriptions include attempting to pervert the course of justice and as already indicated manslaughter.etc.
keep awaay blackberry and vodafone nothing works correcect iou emails internet and all cost you25 p a time in long queues on fone and stores who dont help you new year fresh start am going to transfer to tescos bye vodafone tony davis
If you are thinking of changing to Vodafone.
Don’t bother new systems don’t work always down.
Last time I called customer services they put me on hold 1hr gave up in the end.
gone to 3
Sent to Voda CEO. mr Hoencamp. Voda Offices Exist in Newbury and Cent London in UK.Please note- if we get no reply we will pay visit to Newbury and London offices to find out why. Here is our request to the Vodaphone Org. Account on a 351 account lapsed we lost the default tel number.07503 887514 We then found that a Email Account that we have cannot be accessed any other way other than by retrieving and then using the lost tel number. We have tried for over a year to open the Email Account but theres no known way other than the aforementioned way. The data in the locked email account is small part of other UK national and local evidence. . But read note at foot of text. Here is the message- Because the said Email Account contains our important evidence not routine data and its vital for life support within certain political.medical and other contexts.The data is part of 1000 pages of sworn evidence. We now know that the late number has not been re employed so please can you help us re –instate it. We only need the number for a period long enough to download a verification code from Email Account vendor. This period could range from a few minutes to a few days depending on the operation tactics of the said vendor. Should you want proof of the urgency we are quite prepared to disclose a paragraph or two of our typical activity and in fact have done so at a later stage of this text. Bu, be prepared for a shock in that respect.Our activities have begun to embrace aspects of Austalia which is where we think Voda HQ is. We are unimpressed by your failure to provide suitable communication within the UK and the ignored complaints by your clients. We ourselves can and do better than you and what are you? A comms company.. WE CAN GUARANTEE EMAIL AS FOLLOWS – Llandline here is UK 01329841173 thats 24hrs/7days.
The Below Was Sent To A Customer Of Voda Who Is Spanish .The customer like many others.asked Voda for help and got none. So we thought it would be a good idea to enlighten that Spanish person.Prior to considering the exposure in Newbury .Seems Voda got their ideas from EBAY and otheres. That policy almost destroyed Ebay. Similar situation with Facebook and others. No discipline. No effective controls. Drugged govt.Nice Eh.
Spain ? See the comments from us on this site re our locked Email Account caused by Voda erasing our tel number.Here is part of the data mentioned in our other text-The Spanish children who died etc etc By the way the 1000pp evidence mentioned in the text below includes that regarding to deception used re the lufthansa Air Disaster. That evidence implicates 100s of people to incl the UK and Europe Universities. Police. WHO. MEPs. cameron and the Psychlogical society Leics UK who are partners to Lufthansa. The CEO at L-Hansa was sent questions and has not replied. Nor has any UK MP or MEP.We have endured police attacks which were aimed at silencing the situation but that failed too. We now have more fa cts re HM Coroners. HM Courts. HM Bar Council. HM CPS. HM Lieutenants. Princes Trust and so on. and others incl the Uk local Govt scene. Our websites were destroyed by we don’t know who. This issue is not going to go away cept through justice. Heres a bit more- a University in Uk Exeter UK has around 20 people teaching Spanish. The fact is the university is one of the many in UK using deception re Mental Health issues which are of course the main reason for the air disaster. They and no one – one wants to respond because of poss man-slaughter litigation and that includes Cameron was a regular visitor to Exeter and in that area are mental health scandles backed by Police and charities and local MPs.The crime is of course attempting to pervert the course of justice.The present situation includes £3000 000 mal funding which also embraces a Dutch Uni. .We are about to start drowning Spain and Germany with the evidence. This will shock and alarm many people who relied on the press and media rings which incl BBC who advised us -‘hide the documents abroad’.by the way the area Newbury berks Uk shown to be address of Voda is one of the area we looked at and its part of the considerable evidence which removed Cameron. The woman MAY ex home office is not a Prime minister. The facts about her are gradually being distributed despite intensive email blocking nationwide.This whole story started when we were advised to stop using state of the art remedial tactics on psychiatric clients who had recd anything up to 25 yrs dangerous help from the NHS and private systems. We then began to investigate and in the end found around 30.000 avoid deaths over period 35yrs. all mis represented by entire UK press incl Dimbleby. Labour Party. Liberal Party Con party. and their funders which incl Lord Chadlington at Camerons Constituency office who wont respond.The following ministers were removed by us- Clegg. Pickles. Brennan. Grayson.there are many others incl MAY still to be removed. Theres no govt because of what we have found going on in Electoral commission helped by Local Govt.Local Press ring.The issues abound in Scotland. IOM. N-Ireland etc.the area Berks is one oif the prime offenders. We mean Thames Valley Police. Firms. Press. Health. May lives there at the moment but the evidence has not yet been released there. We dont know if she will end up in courts or not. When we took evidence round to MAy no one would come down the stairs. They had been tipped off by Euro Parl Office that we previously visited. It was them who assured us that nothing can be done about crrptn in EEC. The police attacks aimed at us of course failed. No MP has ever answered any mail. We incl the assistant to the Dept Health Brine. and the Home office character Hollingsberry.We found no democratic principle anywhere in uk which was sincere or congruent. If VODA ceo ignores this then it is not lawful as this is a crime report of course. Lets see.We also want the name of the person who downloads and reads this crime report.The legal descriptions include attempting to pervert the course of justice and as already indicated manslaughter.etc.