I ordered two items on line on 4th April2011 in time for delivery 3 days later at a cost of over £100. After I had given all my details including 2 telephone numbers and said I would in all day, the items did not arrive. I contacted the tracking service(a joke all that was given was the day(7th and times between 7am and 6 pm) this was confirmed on 3 occasions and still the items did not arrive.After staying on the telephone for 1 and half hours between 5.30 and7.00,eventually hung up the receiver. I tried again later (around 9PM) and was told the office “was now closed”……..THESE ITEMS WERE REQUIRED FOR WEDDING GIFTS ON 8TH APRIL (NEXT DAY) I have spent money on the Plus charge calls and delivery charge and other calls. I had to telephone the bride’ home and apologise and now have to go to wedding without the gifts. This is a considerable amount of money for me to spend as I am over 70yrs old and feel I have been severely letdown by Argus.
Wasted day off my life…….