Dear Sirs
I made a complaint yesterday about my award notice being sent to the wrong address. The whole incident has alarmed and concerned me that my personal details and financial information lie in the hands of someone else on the other side of the country.
I expect this whole matter to be resolved soon. I notified student finance in July of this matter, the fact that the man did not change my address thoroughly on both systems is not acceptable to me.
I realise that i also need the letter to take to my college awarding them the tuition fees for my course and also my award letter of what I am entitled to.
Please could you make sure these documents are sent to me as soon as possible as it is delaying everything and also that from now on all correspondance reaches my address at Virgil Street, and nothing is sent to the wrong address again.
I forgot to enclose my student reference number yesterday, here it is
Yesterday was the first time I had viewed my application on line. I was horrified to see that the wrong address in Lincolnshire was still there and had not been ammended thus I ammended it myself.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Miss Georgina Earle.