Dear Harrods,

We were in your Tea Room cafe on the 2nd floor yesterday, 23rd March, for lunch with family members and we were very disappointed with our experience.

One of our party really wanted a Ham sandwich but the only choice on your menu was soup & ham sandwich, she didn’t really want the soup but my son said he’d have that so she coud have the sandwich. She has a strong dislike of piccalilli and therefore asked you waiter if this could be withheld. To our utter astonishment he told us “NO they are already make with the piccalilli and it would take 20 MINUTES to have one made without it” I asked if we were able to remove it ourselves and was told “yes you can just take it out”. Our guest didn’t want to hold everyone else up for a further 20 minutes so agreed to remove it herself.

When our lunches arrived, to her total horror, the sandwich was covered in piccalilii which was totally unable to be removed. Everyone else had their lunches in front of them and she didn’t want to make a fuss but ended up unable to eat it and therefore went hungry.

I find it unbelievable that a cafe/restaurant could possibly require 20 MINUTES to make a sandwich. My husband and I come to Harrods regulary to eat, mostly in your Georgian Restaurant, and feel very let down by Harrods that one of your party ended up going hungry.

The reason we come down to Harrods is for the service but we have noticed that that said service is seriously falling everywhere within your store. If I’ve asked your staff for any assistance the response is now, more often that not, “NO”

It is such a shame that something so special as Harrods is now becoming nothing more than an everyday High Street Shop.

I look forward to your responce on this matter.


Sally Kemp (Mrs)