I complain on behalf of all Sky t.v viewers who like myself get billed for the endurance of endless repeats. Even my 3yr old complains about the same children’s episodes repeated continuously. Christmas t.v viewing with Sky is also predictable to the extent that you could write the viewing guide yourself based on previous years of repeats, surely they could put some kind of limit to the endless de ja’ vou they want us all to experience, the funniest thing of all is their new ideas of recording and pausing live t.v just in case you miss anything, which I believe is impossible as you are bound to be able to watch the same movie, programme or documentary at least 10 times within the same week and if we miss that weeks t.v it will still be shown again for numerous weeks. Whom ever has control of our repetitive viewing must either have a very short memory or no memory at all we should all complain to Sky or stop watching t.v as those many repeats cant be good for your mind.
You are aware that, as programmes are shown 24 hours a day on TV, for the duration of 365 days of the year, there will be repeats . Just in case it slipped your mind, I wanted to remind you of that fact . Sky shows repeats, as do Virgin Media, as well as the remainder of Freeview and terrestrial channels . It’s hard luck that Sky packages have that many channels that show repeats, but I doubt they’re endless, and even in regards to that, surely it’s the producers of the shows/programmes that to do something about that, they’re the ones making them . Concerning recordings/pausing, I can’t believe that you can actually argue with progress ! Sky was the first consumer-based upgrade technology on the market with this facility, to argue against is insane, I’m just wondering now if you still have a black & white TV, because it seems you’re a technophobe .
I have now THREE times experienced NO LANDLINE NO BROADBAND CONNECTION for over 24hrs on 29 March 2010. I had to call Sky to complain using my mobile phone at a cost of £1 a minute, having to be held in a queue, being promitted from one department to another until i finally reached an advisor, only to be told there is a fault at the exchange and everything should be resumed within 4hrs! This went on for 16hrs! I use the net for selling currency, which resulted me in LOOSING a large sum of money as i was unable to sell at the rate i should have. If there was an emergency and i had fallen down the stairs and had no mobile, how would one contact 999 when there is NO LINE as its connected to the broadband? how come a 2nd engineer who visited REMOVED INTERACTIVE TV CONNECTION FROM THE BOX , telling us that IT IS NOT NEEDED? 8mths later someone is visiting once again this Sunday 4th April 2010 to rectify the mess. I find sky a shamble, and would NOT recommend this company and am looking forward to cancelling the contract when its due next. No compensation is offered except to complain to who? no email ever gets anwered and nothing is done to give customer satisfaction. Sky are quick at upping fees for certain usage ie phone line without consulting the customer then gives the customer no service. I find this appalling as nowadays it seems all companies like to hold customers in a queue, as far too many prompts to get to the correct department…
Sky phone calls aren’t £1 per minute, they’re 10p per minute, or 25p from a mobile.
And, emergency calls are free, don’t be troubled by that. And the engineer took the phone line out of the box because it really isn’t all that necessary unless of course you want to use the functions, he would have asked you whether or not you wanted it removed before he removed it, to which I’m assuming you either said, ‘that’s fine’ or something to that extent.
I find it absolutely astounding how people can come on these sites to complain about Sky putting you on hold, considering the fact that all companies do the same..stop pinning it on Sky, and other people who say the words ‘Sky as the monopoly on this, that’s why we have to pay these costs’, that’s bull. Monopolies are illegal in the UK.
i have been with sky for 12 years they and they have caused nothing but trouble turning of veiwing even though its payed to them a month in advance and dont forget your 5 minutes of adverts every 12 minutes i would advise anybody to stay clear of these rude obnoxious company not worth the hassel even if you pay your bills everytime i have phone them to sort out problems a few times over past 12 years and not one problem has been sorted its the worst company i have ever delt with your legal rights will not be reconised they are very underhanded rude and obnoxious and dont do nothing but take money for a abissmal service that will stress you they are stress merchants be warned disssatisfied customer of 12years tony reynolds dy139ad worcestershire englant look elsewere rubbish company loads of adverts
Sky do have a monopoly….. Please explain to me why I cannot put a different router on my system & I have to use the one they want to sell me. Not being able to have a choice on which router I would like to use, is enforcing me to use their own product. That is called a MONOPOLY…..
Read your t&c you Plum bb is domestic use only so losing out on buisness because the exchange is down its your own fault for being too cheap to get a buisness account for bb and honestly if you fell down the stairs even with the phone line active how you gonnae get up to phone 999 people like you are quite pathetic
Dear sky employee. I have had problems with my broadband. Apart from wasting fruitful time at home waiting for the engineer, who had an appointment but did not up or even bother to call, I have wasted countless hours and quite a bit of money trying to sort the problem on the phone. I have only had “ooops sorry can’t help at my end let me transfer you…….. Finally I was supposed to receive a call back. In simple terms i explained I work so the call back should be on the mobile but no they call home where no one is around. Forgiven once, I arrange for a second call back & guess what they called the house again!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sky employee, if you have anything about your self you should be reading the messages in this forum & learn from them to help your service improve not devolve into a poor product. I am not sure about your comment you made about falling down the stairs & 999 calls but you struck a cord with me there. My mother has a cordless phone with her at all times at home, she collapsed last year & it was only down to the phone on her that saved her life. Just last week he phone service stopped working & she had to pay a fortune on her mobile phone in a bad area for a signal. The idiot at your help center told my mother to go get a screw driver & remove the cover plate to check something. My mother is elderly, on her own & lives in a remote place… next to the phone socket is a 240 volt socket, it would have been good if she had remover that cover plate ??? I would have sued SKY if she had come to any harm from the advice she was encouraged to undertake. It took a week to sort it out & my mother waited in all day awaiting a promised engineer who never turned up. 1 week later some one arrived after more phone calls & me complaining, some idiot had disconnected out the main junction box the cables connected to my mothers house. It may not have been SKY’s fault directly but they are the paid service provider & should have acted in a better + more understanding way especially to a pensioner. My late father was a contract electrician & in over 40+ years has never ever advised a customer to remove any face plates even if it is a low voltage appliance, he would what ever time of day go over to deal with the issue.
Check out my website todo with all the problems with Sky and Phoneline + broadband and i will see if i can help you as well.. They need a good kick up the backside.
I phoned sky on 7th april 2010 to cancel my sky subscription which i told them i could not afford it as i now did not have a job and as soon as i could get a job i would be back.
i was given a turn off point of may 8th that was 31 days notice and everyone was polite and understanding.
i received a phone message today that there was a error on their computer and they had to talk to me before they could cancel (April 21st).I phoned back straight away when i came home and the scottish man on the sky phone was very abusive and said in an unaceptable tone that they would phone back at sometime,i will now never come back to sky and will pay what i owe up till may 8th and no more.
terry kirby
I think we should tell everyone that sky is crap and dosent care about what is shows
People only remember what programs they want to watch and all the other times they would be doing something else so they dont realise its rubbish
I am making a BBC consumer affairs programme and I’m looking for people to take part. Does anyone have a case that is still unresolved? We are filming a roadshow in London on 22nd May and want to take on cases to try and get money back for people. Please post or drop me an email on christina.schultz@reeftv.com if you’d like us to help.
How on earth can Sky justify so many repeats ? Take “Road Wars” for instance, I used to love this program, but now it’s getting milked beyond belief. In my opinion, Sky 1/2/3 are showing “Road Wars” (and other endless repeats) just to fill time slots, how can Sky justify those three channels to do the same thing over, and over again ?
On another point, why can’t we choose the exact channels in our package ? I personally only use about a 1/4 of the channels in my current package, so a majority of channels go unused, as I have absolutely no interest in them what so ever ! I am one (of many in this current climate) who is struggling with the high cost of using “Sky” and as “Sky” refer to themselves as a consumer friendly industry, surely they can make life easier for their customers by offering a package of channels that they can pick from the list on offer themselves, this would not only make Sky far more affordable, but would also make Sky more desirable to future customers.
I personally think Sky could be working a lot harder to make their product more rewarding for their current customers, as well as possible future customers.
Please, please, please, can you stop milking these repeated programs until we HATE THEM !
too many repeats on sky waste of money thinking of changing to freesat and saving £37.00 a month sky has a lot of garbage channels that most people wont even look at eg americas next top model ?? who cares about that trash too many to go through i would be here all night listing the trash channels some nights i turn sky on and out of all the channels i cant find anything worth watching thursday night is a bad night and its the one night i finish work early and nothing on ??
whenever i have phoned sky i find it hard to understand the person i am talking to they should have a good english talking person at the callcentres nothing against the scotts but they are hard to understand if your not scottish.
Who says that the English aren’t bigots?
Read back what you wrote, and try and see why the rest of the countries in the world HATE English people. You don’t even try to understand what other people say. Always “can’t you speak the Queen’s English?”
Typical how it’s always ‘a good English speaking person’ needed on the other end of the phone. We all have trouble understanding you, as well! It’s a two way street, accents don’t just happen to one set of nationalities…maybe they should make a documentary on that and show it on Sky!
To everyone that has a problem with sky…. if you not happy with the service go else where and you will soon find that their service is on par if not better than other competitors, I think it very childish and silly writing how unhappy you are with a service?? as for paying over the top prices for calling sky, all companies in the UK including the government departments have 0844/45/0870 and 0871 numbers, instead of being miserable use the tools freely available to every individual in the UK… the internet… find the alternative numbers instead of being negative and slagging off a company who is providing a good service, if you haven’t got what you want its only you to blame, surely you as customers know what you like to watch??? What you like doing on line, how often you use your house phone??? Do alittle research and get the package that suits you an stop acting like you have been so hard done by, honestly, its sad that ‘adults’ can come on line an behave like school children, talking and complaining instead of dealing with it in an adult fashion! Get a life an stop complaining!!! As for getting in touch with foreign countries just end the call and redail?? Your calls are not always going to go through to other countries over flow of calls will there is nothing wrong with trying to get customers issues felt with as soon as possible is there?? Patients is a great thing to master in life, that call you make to sky maybe upsetting to you when the person on the other end is desperately trying to master a new language and be polite and get your issues sorted so a little understanding an patience from you could also be more rewarding than you know.
Some years ago I subscribed to sky thinking that it was the best thing since sliced bread. Very quickly I realised that apart from the live coverage of the sports, everything else was repeated like a bad case of cucumber wind, therefore I cancelled. I was offered the basic package for just £18 per month for 3 months so that the kids would have something to watch.
After the first month, I received a bill from Sky for £22. When I queried this, a nice lady a Sky said that because I got billed for Sky and not paid by DD, there was an extra £4 on top to cover admin charges. I cancelled Sky there and then over the telephone, and Sky was switched off the next day.
The very next month I received another bill from Sky for £48. I have not paid this bill and have disputed it with countless debt collecting agencies that they have used over the last 4 years.
The last company stated that they were dropping the case completely, and I would no longer hear from them.
Today, I received a telephone call from a Litigation company on behalf of Sky stating that papers were being filed today at my local County Court, and that if I didn’t pay the bill over the telephone then I would have to pay the £48 plus court costs which were going to be excessive. However if I were to pay today, then I would only have to pay the out of court settlement of £36.54p. I don’t want to go to court, as many other people don’t, but I am absolutely fuming. This was their error from the beginning and I am being forced to pay.
I have in mind to go to the press. It would cost them more to file it in court than it is to recover what they believe is owing. How many other people are they conning?????
does anyone know how to beat the telephone loop when trying to communicate with sky customer services
Wish I did bryan please let me know if you find out
Sky is CRAP but stuck as I am still in the years contract with them cannot wait to get off it, if I new all the CRAP that went with it I would never have gone on it in the first place, they wait till you sign on with them for a year then give you the book that tells you about windy weather and heavy rain that will cause you to loose picture, and this back up that comes up on screen when you are in the middle of watching something drives me up the wall all I can say to people now is sky is CRAP
i had my sky installed was ment to get my phone line installed to but on no they did not install it so how am i going to get my free phone line and internet ??????? helo sky tv can u give me a reson why and what reduction am i going to get on my first bill for not geting those services you promissed
I have had the same problem as you, and have cancelled my contract three months after taking it out. I feel that they have failed to supply what they were contracted to. However they have now handed my account to debt collection agency. Wescot!. I have sent three registered letters to register my complaint yet have not even had any reply from sky to acknowledge my complaint. Yesterday I received a telephone call from Westcot demanding my money. I have tried to follow the complaints procedure on the Sky website yet they are not responding to my letters. I am now at my wits end and would welcome advice from anyone that has been in the same situation as myself. I would not recommend sky to anyone!
I have just watched an episode of Holby City which was broadcast to the middle east (Saudi Arabia)
Right at the end of this episode one of the senior medical doctors stated he had a date with a LBFB or as its well known LBFM (the M standing for machine)
I do hope the asian subscribers do not hear of this racial remark as the actual program is quite good so a retraction must be set in place before I put it on UTUBU or the local paper
React now and squash this missdoing
What was the point of this post?
Apart from subscribing to Sky in an illegal installation, I mean?
Why do my programs that have been recorded on Sky+ HD box not be accessed once my subsciption is canceled? Bear in mind that it’s been in my possession for over three years.
Hello to all of the thousands of unfortunate sky viewers!! I feel somehow relieved that it is not just me that seems to want to wrap a tight cord around my neck as a result of dealing with sky. How does a business like this function? Endless calls, endless sympathetic advisors, endless promises and all in all endless amount of crap! I got told today to “go to virgin if your not happy” and quite honestly that is the best thing that someone from sky’s customer service team has ever said to me!! Thankyou, I owe you a pint!!
I have just finished a 2 year debate with sky,upgraded to HD 2 years ago but the sales advisor put me through as a new customer so he could get his incentive and .reach his targets.This left me with two accounts at my home.This then caused numerous probs with billing everyone at Sky was very apologetic and did try to fix the problem but to no avail,even the tech guts couldnt help.Duplicate payments coming out of my debit card for two accounts.Tried to get this money back umpteen phone calls later i was accused by a sky employee of having a compulsive disorder that i had to phone sky everyday…THE HAVE £400 OF MY MONEY told by billing dept i wont see that money as its on my old account as a credit??Tried to sort this problem out for two years and now its cost me money..One thing i will say every member of staff were very polite and understanding except the woman at billing who was the most ignorant sarcastic individual i have ever had the displeasure of speaking too.She knows who she is(L**27) .Now cancelled my subsrciption after 10 years with sky, average bill £120 per month had the full works tv,phone, multi room,HD,broadband,when i told the woman at billing i was cancelling she said she didnt care as there were many more customers to take my place.She then told me i had a mental health issue….so people of Britain dont waste ur time calling on ur GP..call sky for ur medical health problems if u didnt have any before u called there billing dept u soon will have…off to take my medication now…
i was not told when i sighned up that after a year i would get charged call ouy fees if it went wrong i was also not even told how long my contract is they want me to pay for insurance to pay for these call out charges while ive not had a proper service for for over four months im disabled and cannot afford call out charges or insurance they want me also to pay to stop nusiance calls i get most days every hour and i think they have a damm cheek putting the prices up with all the repeats and rubbish thets on if i had known all this before i got it i would have avoided it like the plauge
Completely disappointed with the service we have received from Sky – the customer service helpline is a shambles. The staff dont know what they are talking about – they tried to tell me that we rented a phone line from BT – & yet Sky themselves had already written me a letter confirming the Sky Talk line was active with THEM !!. I have so far spent £27 on mobile phone calls (over a period of 2 weeks) trying to get our phone & Boradband back on – I’ve complained through the official channels & they haven’t even bothered to acknowledge it. If these Sky employees who have commented above believe in their products so much – why dont they have courage in their convictions & put their names on ? I’m so angry & no-one will isten.
SKY give us 27 channels offering more or less the same type of music.Recently they removed the only alternative to these channels namely Omusic which offered light classics with the likes of Katherine Jenkins, El Divo and many others. Considering that recordings by these artists go straight to the top of the charts I cannot undrestand the imbalance in the way they cater for their customers or the commercial sense in doing so. I do not begrudge others the music of their choice but in the name of fairness and the millions of fans of light classical music, please sort this out.
It would seem I am not the only one who is disappointed with Sky and their so called customer services.
Sky Employee – I really hope you are not an employee of Sky. The comments you have published on this website are rude, offensive and unprofessional. If you are a reprehensive of Sky, you should be trying to help resolve these customers’ issues, but perhaps true to form & from the experiences I have had with Sky customer service, I fear you actually maybe.
I am a registered carer for my disabled mother who is in retirement. She has had a few rough years with the loss of my father (her lifelong partner) as well as having to put up with her disabilities. Over 20 years ago, when she was in better health & my father was still alive, they made a decision to have normal Sky TV installed. We have enjoyed Sky over the years and although things have changed since the normal Sky box have continued to enjoy, never missing a bill payment or worried that we never got any loyalty offers or discounts.
In September this year, we contacted Sky customer services to cancel our subscription as we had been offered a better package from BT Vision. Within the call, I was passed around to a few operators until I got passed to the ‘Turnaround’ team. The guy I spoke to was very helpful and offered me a package of a free Sky HD box, Free Installation including cabling to a 2nd room & Free HD package 6 months. Throughout the conversation I verified at least 3 – 4 time with the reprehensive ‘Is this going to increase the next bill?’ to which he replied ‘No. The fact that nothing had changed on the account & the HD package was free for 6 months then the bill would remain at £24 for the 1st 6 months and would increase by £10 thereafter.’ I was fine with this and agreed to stay. The day arrived of the installation and things could not have gone any better. The guy who turned up to do the installation was very professional & pleasant. It was decided that I would look at the option of multi room as I had already purchased a SKY HD box of my own from a friend. I called Sky and requested a multi room card and though great, this is all going so well…… how wrong could I be?
When the card arrived I called up Sky to activate it. The reprehensive I got through to was again very pleasant and informed me that I would have the same channels as the main card. I advised them I did not need the HD channels as I do not have a HD TV for the second Sky box but she insisted that these were all included in the multi room package and would not cost me anything extra. After this was up and working for a few weeks things started going wrong. We received a letter & bill from Sky for £64! It was explained it was next month’s payment & would be £54 thereafter. As you can imagine, I was not best pleased as this is not what had been agreed. I called through to Sky and spoke to one of their reprehensive. She was not very helpful and kept saying ‘it’s a pro-rata bill. You have to pay 2 months’. Fortunately enough I work in an industry where I deal with pro-rata billing. I calmly explained this is not the case as nothing had changed in the billing side of things and that as an existing customer I had already paid for line rental in advance. I went through this with her and it was as if she didn’t have any answers so put me on hold and passed me through to someone else. I had to explain the whole situation again, only to be advised the same story (I think this maybe a generic answer they are trained to give customers to confuse them.) and after I augured my case, it was only then found that the HD package for the multi room was not free for the 1st 6 months as the main box was but I was in fact being charged! I explained I did not request this and was told it would be free as the main box was. After a long conversation going nowhere & with their computers ‘saying no’ I was eventually put through to another department and spoke to a guy called Colin who was the most unhelpful person I have ever had the pleasure to speak to. He did explain that the card & box which should have been the ‘extra’ multi room box was actually in fact now the ‘main’ box with and vice versa dispute being registered after the first box was installed! He wanted me to swap the boxes around to which I refused as it was not our mistake. He then continued to put me on hold for another 10 minutes. By this time it had been almost an hour since I started the call and it didn’t seem like it wasn’t going anywhere and I was right the line then went dead…… he had cut me off!!
I reluctantly called them back and had to explain the whole situation over again which took another 20 minutes of me ringing a 0870 number from my landline. I did manage to get through to a more helpful person this time and after sometime she did sound as though she was going to help. We will see!!!
At last, i found a site with other dissatisfied sky customers! We have been charged sky talk for the last 2 1/2 years. Problem is we have never had it in that time and even had the letter of cancellation from our old house(we moved and cancelled it as they wanted £130 to reconnect!). Numerous expensive calls and promises of refunds, no avail. Plucked up the courage to phone again after ANOTHER bill(which they now charge us for) and they agreed, they are wrong and why did it take us this long to realise! duh. Passed us to another dept saying that this will now stop(again) and would call us. Guess what, no call and another bill 3 days later. Its our credit rating at risk. Never had their line in our home. They sent 3 debt agencies round who checked the paper work and all agreed! Whats next!!!!??
Sky are a joke! The customer service is terrible and I pitty any Sky customer even contemplating the idea of moving house. It is an extremely stressful expensive experience.
My wife and I moved in October and before our move, called Sky to tell them this. The gentleman was very nice and polite. He told us that we could not just change it over and that he would have to cancel it first and then arrange for someone to call us when we move in to the new house to reconnect it all up again. “Fine” I said.
I received no phone call so called Sky after we moved in to get it all back up and running again. I was told that my account was cancelled but when I told them, I already knew this, they transferred me between departments with each rep not updating the next on the scenario. After the 4th time of explaining what I wanted to do (just set up Sky in my new house!!!!) I told them to cancel the lot! They then told me that thias would not be a problem. I have been with Sky for 4 years, NEVER missed a payment and can not believe how I have been treated.
I am now with Virgin Media with no problems at all. Sky are a shambles!
Dear Sir I do not know how you do and transmit such bad programs i.e monster munchies and man v food
when there are people that can just afford to live monster munchies is a discusting wast of food the same as a man stuffing food down his neck as if he was staved for years,
If this is what t.v is stooping to for programs I suggest that you go and look at people that are starving while sky transmits how to waste food on a large scale.
You, sir, are a fool.
I feel that the comment you placed above has absolutely no reason to be on this site. This is about Sky, their services & their equipment. Sky DO NOT make the television programs they broadcast, they only broadcast them. I’m assuming that if BBC showed the same programs that you would complain to them? I doubt it very highly, considering the fact that you just wanted something to gripe about on this blog.
Prince William’s Africa
I wish to complain about the title of the programme Prince Williams’s Africa broadcast on Sky One on the day of the announcement of his engagement to Kate Middleton (November 16).
Africa does not belong to Prince William, as the title suggests, and the name of the programme merely perpetuates the idea that in some way the African continent is still a bunch of British colonies. I’m sure Prince William is not to blame for the thoughtless name of the programme, but as a black woman of African descent I feel that this title merely reinforces the latent racism that exists in the UK with regard to Africa.
Why not call it Prince William’s visits to Africa, or Prince William and Africa? It is NOT his Africa, and it is time Sky TV and others accepted that.
I have been contacting sky now for 5 days, I was told that my sky TV has a weak signal – what is sky going to do about it – nothing.
After 5 phone calls I am now without phone and broadband
My phone is now not working as I was told to go and buy a new socket to replace the old one – It says only a qualified electrician should replace this box, so now I am without a phone and bare wires hanging from my wall – what is sky going to do about it – nothing.
I cannot rewire the phone socket as I am unqualified and if it blows my phones and computer, will Sky replace my goods – the answer is no.
I have no way of contacting them, mind you when you do, they are not interested and only want to sell you SKY HD
So what is going to happen now – nothing
I have now cancelled all Sky products and I am left with bills and no working equipment – Great customer service Sky
Gostaria de saber a Sky, anunciou que o canal do premier Combate seria aberto de 01.12.2010 à 01.01.2011, para quem tem o PFC, e até o presente momento não foi aberto. Gostaria de saber uma resposta, pois quando atrazamos vocês corta o sinal.
Aguardo Resposta.
I left sky early october due to poor service and that i was paying £73 pound a month for a package . i phoned them saying i was going to use BT and wanted to cancel using sky . so i got a bill paid it and that was the last of it . WRONG !! just found out last week sky have taken out of my account 2 monthly payments of £44 and im fuming . since then i have written a letter to sky 1 week ago and so far reply . Why should i pay for something i don`t use and surely on my sky viewing card it tells sky that i havnt used it since early october !!! i want my £88 pound back !
shocking shocking…………………………………………………………………. as always prepetive crap, for the love of g… its christmas, surely there are enough xmas movies around the whole move industry that you can entertain us with. Every christmas I wait with hope that it will change and tell my husband, there saving all the best for christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT Get it together for the love of Christmas give me faith that there is someone in the industry that understands its X CHRISTMAS………………………………………………….
I am a new customer awaiting installation. After being confirmed of my installation time (a 3hr window) the night before, nobody showed up and I had to phone Sky who, after putting me on hold for 15mins, simply said nobody was able to make it today (no kidding!) – the next appointment would be over a week from the day, as I had to be put back into the back of the queue (through no fault of my own!). So after taking the day off work, I asked if there was any recourse for me or anything Sky could do (of course not!); the supervisor was not available for me to speak to, of course, and then I asked to be passed to the cancellations department as I figured if this was the level of service to a new client and given that everyone warned me how bad customer service is, I had only myself to blame if I continued on. But after being on hold with cancellations for 30 minutes and no answer, I gave up. I sent an email to Sky customer services following the link on the website, but have not had a response in 48 hours. So I will try to call back again to cancel, hopefully without having to wait 30 minutes. Sky is a disaster.
I cancelled my account on the 29th Dec 2010 (yippee). which means my service ends on January 29th. My last bill is due today should this be a half month or a full payment. Do we pay in advance or in arrears?
Sky have recently taken over Ukonline the internet service provider, we got a letter stating that ukonline would be closing and we needed to contact SKY to obtain a MAC code, i have now phoned 3 times, on the last occasion been told my broadband will be active within 15 days, today my order is cancelled as there is a problem with my order!! they need a mac code, it is THEY that i need to contact to get one!! I cannot abide such poor customer service where you pay to be lied to,are misled etc etc, i have now written to cancel all services and subscriptions, dont waste your time and money just cancel all, without subscribers they are history.
Customer service is a complete and utter joke, have now cancelled all services, they are history in my eyes
well its a good job i stayed awake to night to watch TNA Genesis as the main event 1:00 till 2:00 was not covered on the program time as it say ninja worrier is on! Now Extreme tv had this problem only putting 3 hours aside for a 4 hour PPV i hope this is not going to happen again as this does not look good on you.
I was watching the European Cup football highlights yesterday, starting at 23.45 Hrs, and watched the Spurs V AC Milan game, with the Valencia V Shalke game to follow. Just before going to the break, after the Spurs game, the presenter announced the Valencia game would be on next, at which point, they showed Valencia players celebrating a goal and then Shalke players celebrating a goal. What was the point of that? I was damn furious about it, having avoided any sports news all evening so I could enjoy the show. I understand TV companies spoiling scorelines is they are not showing the games, but why ruin your own programme? Are SKY so scared we will forget to stay tuned if they just let us sit through the break without the promise of further excitement?
GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD SKY ‘SPORTS’. If I am watching the programme, it means I don’t want advanced warning of the scores. Neither visual hints, or verbal ones. ‘Goals galore in our next game’ or ‘A seven goal thriller is next up!’ are typical of the nonsense we have to put up with. Put simply, give results at the end of the show, not during it.
So, I go to complain. Here is what the Sky complaints charter says:
In the unfortunate circumstance that you have a complaint, please get in touch with us straight away in any of the following ways.
* Call us on: 08442 414141 – Our Advisors are here to take these calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls to and from our Advisors may be recorded or monitored for training and other purposes.
So I did, but there were no Advisors on that number. Instead, the call got me all the way to India, and the Technical Department. I was told to call the customer service number, but it would be closed now.
There was no option on the phone menu to make a complaint either, hence the initial inability to get through to somebody. The Indian guy asked me what my complaint was but, by then, they had increased somewhat. He admitted he was not even in a position to do anything about it anyway, so I thanked him and explain my irate tone was not aimed at him, but Sky.
So apart from initial complaint:
Sky Complaints Charter? Means nothing if the telephone number given has no option to complain.
Advisors available 24/7? No, not true. Even if they were at work, they were not available to me.
Overall belief? The ‘complaints’ system is deliberately convoluted to make you give up.
NOT IMPRESSED SKY. Your ‘Complaints Charter’ is worthless, because you do not want to listen.
That’s it.
Right from the word go sky has just been a complete lie and a pain the rear end, from the minute the rep left our home every word he said was not true.
1st he said thje whole thing including phone line would be installed within 2 weeks , 3 months later we finally got what we thought we paid for .
he explained our package and i questioned him twice about it seeming cheap and he confirmed that this is what you are paying for , turned out that we didnt get hd as promised , he then told me that we would get up to 20 meg broadband and i know full well what that means but he assured me that in this area i would get around 10 – 15 after our final signing ang hisnconversation with whoever was on the end of the phone he passed the phone over to me and the lady told me that in my area people are getting 10 meg at peak times so it should increase off peak , I hve yet to see it go above 4.5 and that was 4 o’clock in the morning so again another lie.
When we contact sky all they can say is ” we do not send out the reps it is a third party and they should not say things they are not sure of” well f**k me if i knew it was some guy who didnt know his job i would have stayed with virgin , i am around 12 pound a month worse off . Frigging sky they should be able to be held accountable for their reps. Rant over STAY AWAY FROM SKY
I do apologize about the situation you were placed in, as I have had to deal with other customer’s in the same situation. Unfortunately, the representative you dealt with was not a Sky representative, but an employee of your local Curry’s store trying to sell you equipment via call out.
Sky are currently investigating this breach of terms, and as soon as information is gathered, we’ll be happy to give you a full explanation.
Again, sorry on behalf of Sky and all it’s employees at this unfortunate situation.
dont lie sky staff and the word sorry that just dose not add up
Yep, he’s lying. Probably about being a member of Sky staff too. Currys staff do not go and install Sky. They install tv’s, and when they do have no incentive to sell extra equipment.
If you are infact a member of Sky staff, I suggest you check your employee handbook with regards to posting online about anything to do with Sky or mentioning other companies.
Oh dear, some petty customer thinks I’m lying. How upset I am, really…
I could tell you my staff number if you’d like? But I digress, because you, my good man, are very wrong. Curry’s were actually selling Sky boxes, and actually offered cashbox is you bought a box through them, so you’re very clearly wrong on that point. There’s nothing in the employee handbook about responding to a customer’s complaint, either, so quieten down.
Paul, it’s also spelled ‘does’, not ‘dose’.
Right, where to begin..
I am a student, i live in a house full of students all of whom live off a very tight budget. At the start of this uni year we ordered our Sky + HD package, with landline and broadband.
First problem. We ordered our sky on October 1st 2010 and were told that everything would be up and running by 28th October at the very latest… However by 1st December we contacted Sky to inform them that 2 months after our initial purchase, our landline and broadband was not activated. They said that they would have it up and running within 10 minutes…. an hour later we called back as it was still not activated. They informed us that there was a fault and a Sky engineer was sent to our house. Finally on the 12th December our Sky package finally started.
We have called Sky on numerous occassions complaining about the poor display of customer service and the fact we had to pay full bills during the inactive period.
Sky are useless, they have no respect for the customers and charge high prices and allow no sense of leniency whatsoever.
All in all, Sky need to improve drastically to keep all their customers satisfied.
my gran and papa got sky installed in march 8th 2011. The two numptys who installed it was stupid and there attitude wasnt exceptable. To start with skys contracters weren’t going to go on the roof because there was moss on it. Once we nagged them they finally decided to go up on the roof and install the dish.
they never put in the telephone cable because the were idiots. Yesterday at 2 o clock my papas sky said
NO SATALITE CONNCECTION so we turned off the box TWICE and nothing happeded. so we phoned sky tv and they told us to pull out cables and restart the box but that never worked and the phone woman was very cheeky. So that wasnt helpful.
We also sent them an email and no reply back.
Craig M
my gran and papa got sky installed in march 8th 2011. The two numptys who installed it was stupid and there attitude wasnt exceptable. To start with skys contracters weren’t going to go on the roof because there was moss on it. Once we nagged them they finally decided to go up on the roof and install the dish.
they never put in the telephone cable because the were idiots. Yesterday at 2 o clock my papas sky said
NO SATALITE CONNCECTION so we turned off the box TWICE and nothing happeded. so we phoned sky tv and they told us to pull out cables and restart the box but that never worked and the phone woman was very cheeky. So that wasnt helpful.
We also sent them an email and no reply back.
Craig M
Amen to much of above.
However,Sky is great when it works.
But,& it is a big but,SKy do not care about current customers.I have been with them for over 20 years & have always complained about this.At last we can now move free,I asked for this 16 years ago!I would like to see treats like O2.Maybe 3 months free or similar for loyalty?
What about upgrades free yearly?Why should we have to buy a new box if the always unreliable ones fail?After all, we are paying a lot to have Sky so should get the equipment free so that we can then pay for the huge privelege of having Sky.
Come on Sky,massive profits but not massive goodwill.
Is there an e-mail address to contact Sky about schedule issues.
I have been watching Stargat:SG1 on Sky 2 in the evenings. But Season 9 has been skipped over going from the end of season 8 to the begining of season 10 in the space of 1 day.
none of the other customer care numbers or e-mails seem appropriate.
I’m afraid that would depend on the channel that it’s being broadcast on.
If the channel is Sky1, 2 or Atlantic, then the issue you’re experiencing would be an actual broadcast issue which I’m sure we will fix in time. If it’s on the others, then I’m afraid that would up to the executives of that actual channel.
Hope this helps.
Well as stated it was on Sky 2.
But it was not fixed, they broadcast season 10 of SG1 then started showing season 1 of Star Trek: DS9.
Bit of a kick in the face to the people that were following the run From the start of Season 1 SG1
I’m actually glad that someone tried to apologize. Good on him!
@Grant, show some courtesy, man. Wish someone had’ve kicked you in the face!
To say that i am upset, irrated, fustrated or even disgusted with Sky and the service I recieve is an understatement. I have been a customer of sky on and off for many year and would have thought the service and the support would have improved but sadly that is not the truth.
I have a medical condition that has meant I have been bedridden and loved the fact that sky offered me some type of entertainment with its large variety of channels. Yet still as i continue to pay the bill that is conviently sent on time every month I have to endure weeks of staring at a screen with an error message of No Satelitte signal and then be told that I will get a credit note like that makes up for the time I have spent watching an error screen. I dont want credit i want my TV working for longer than a few days, as no soon did the engineer come out and I upgraded my package the error message reappeared and I am back to staring at the words on the screen.
Then I was rudely spoken to by an advisor who attempted to make out she was doing me a favor but sending the engineer out again in four days time. I even asked to speak to the manager and she felt the need to hang up the phone on a 60 year old women who simply wanted answers. I am beyond tired of Sky and its excuses and have every intention of leaving and moving to another provider such as Virgin because loyalty means nothing to sky and I am slowly learning this.
We lost BBC1. I called Sky. They sent someone out, who informed us that to fix our dish, he had to drill a 10mm hole in my wall to secure his ladder. As our house is rendered in a special acrylic finish, I refused and said they should have warned us of this, as we would not have asked them to come out, but used an independent instead. They are upholding the £40 callout charge and refuse to discuss it with us. Is this even legal? Surely, if you agree on the phone its the dish, it would be useful to point out at this stage that, in order to fix the dish, they will need to damage your property? At which point we could have made an INFORMED decision of whether to use Sky or an independent engineer? They have sent us 3 rude emails and said they consider the subject closed. I dont consider the subject closed!
i would like to know why sky 1 decided to show 80 episodes of stargate atlantis (4 seasons) & NOT show the 20 episodes (season 5) to conclude the show,
this isn’t the first time i have been rewarded for my loyalty to your channel in this way,
i have previously watched part 1 of a show only to find out part 2 wont be broadcast for reasons only known to you,
so many people turn to the internet to enjoy their tv shows to completion,
Hi I called sky to day to add Hd to my multi rooms I was told I could have one for £49 POUND but if i wanted to change all 3 rooms to multi room it would be £547 pound. this I found to be well over priced. I was then told i could have it for £277. pound still well over the odd. 1 Box for £49.00 pounds so 3 should be £142 pound,s so were is the extra cost making it up to the first price of £547 pound a diffrence of £405 pound then £277 pound a diffrence of £130.pounds how is this pricing worked out by sky are you just out to rip your customers off. I THINK THIS IS SOMETHING I WILL LET THE PRESS NOW ABOUT AND ALL THE WEB SITES I CAN ABOUT THIS SKY RIP OFF OF IT CUSTOMERS . I AM Discusted in sky Alan Moore
Get a grip, “oh, I’m going to tell the papers, boo hoo.”
The reason Sky are offering you the first box for £49 is because it’s a LOYALTY OFFER! If you want a Sky HD box, they’re more than willing to turn around and say (like the adverts on TV do) that they’ll supply you with the box for a lower rate, because you’ve been loyal. They’re under no incentive or obligation to provide you with three boxes at an insanely reduced cost because you’ve already availed of one reduced box.
Hi to all those SKY-FANATICS!!!
You come and argue with me for this pathetic company, I will show you the evidence, I have all the calls recorded with me, which I have made to your third class call centers. people who mumble while speaking English (Cheap Call Center Cost based in Asia or so). I am going to sue the sky next week, I have an problem with it since November, I had 4 engineer visitis, I had my packaged changed without my knowledge and stuff.. and then they blooody billed me for the calls i made after selling me the package.
Mr. Sky Employee, get your company to provide service first and charge money later, Your company is like ________________, who would take money first and then provide a service!
i subscibed to sky in Aprail 2011,sky tv only for £19.50 a month. Two months after that, I got an email stating that i am being offerd free sky movie for two months after which will be disconnected, if i like to subscribe after the two months trail then i am free to do so. I agreed to this, hoping i,d be canciled after that. To my greatest suprise, Two months after that i checked my bank statement and found out £45.70 had been taken out by sky.called customer service to make a complaint and was told that i am actually being charged for the free Two months trail because i didn,t remind them to cancil.
The e-mail would’ve stated that unless you cancelled with 31 days notice of the offer ending, then you’d be liable for all the charges.
It’s in the Terms & Conditions. Next time, read it.
can any one tell me why sky can’t bar mobile numbers .thinking it’s another money making scheme from them .CROOKS smaller company’s can do it
The interrupts in sky news are unbearable, please let us watch something without you talking over it!!!
Everything has ad breaks,
It means that if you know ALOT of something just say a little of it and keep most of it in your mind instead. Im not really sure about have more than you show
I had sky for nearly 2 years. I enjoyed the service and would willingly go back to it if they would sort out the problem i had. However, i cannot get anyone at sky to even listen. My basic package was sky tv, unlimited calls and unlimited broadbad. £45 per month. there was never a month during the entire time that i was with them that my bill did not come to over £100. I continually asked for explainations but was just blinded with dates. ” you had this from that date to this ” etc. I discovered that i had b een charge for Sky movies for 3 month that i didnt know i had and had never asked for. I was told that i would be refunded the £30 and given Sky movies free for one month. I never got the £30 refunded and was charged for the supposedly free month! Eventually i had had enough. i got a bill for , again, over £100 and refused to pay it. I let them cut me off. Then i phoned them and said i wanted to be connected again and to tell me how much i had to pay them , in total, including any up front charges so that the next bill i got would be the £45 that it was supposed to be. I paid £189. I was reconnected. 2 Weeks later ( 2 weeks!!!!) i got another bill from them for £125! I refused to pay, got no explainatiions and they are now sending me debt letters! I am convinced that i was paying for 2 accounts but no one at sky will listen or even investigate for me.
Hi Pam,
I was just reading your comment and wondered how you were able to resolve your problem with Sky (if the problem was resolved). I am having a similar situation but a little different. but to cut a long story short, I am suppose to be paying £19 a month but was later told that I had to pay line rental £12.50 a month and then I wanted to have unlimited broadband £7.50 a month which all added up to £39 a month. I don’t even use the phone, its only to receive calls and I hardly ever what anything. The only thing I do use is the broadband as I’m a student and I don’t hardly download anything (even though Its supposed to be unlimited.)
All this while I had never had time to check my bills as I’m always busy with study but for whatever reasons I decided to check tonight and i discovered that on three different months between May 2011 and November 2011 they have taken £50 (twice) and £80 out of my account.
What was so strange was that a chat advisor appeared and started asking if I needed any help! We got chatting and I eventually asked about the £80. And where he had been avoiding replying to the question earlier, he said he couldn’t see any £80 being debit from my account! And lo and behold when I checked the account again it was not there!
But althou he had somehow removed it from the account itself it was still reading in the next account which was thanking me for paying my last bill of £80! So i really need help to stop them and I’m going to stop direct debits as its like they are taking the piss! I’d be glad to find out how it went for you.
I hate Sky as well after paying 18 months of HD TV I cancelled my ever increasing price. The helpfull lady ? told me you wont be able to watch free HD TV and wont be able to use your box at all. Yes she is right I cant record pause or rewind (but recieive 5 free Hd channels ) BBC 1 BBC HD FOUR FIVE AND ITV 1. This is for all people that are told the same thing. Sky are lying !!!!
I currently joined Sky and because they were to lazy and boneidle to come out on my connection date “2nd November” they claim i had a phone line already in and Ive had about 12 engingeers out now and i still got NO internet VERY POOR SERVICE reallly thinking of going to Virgin Media as they care about their customers there sky only care about money SKY ARE LIERS AND 100% ON ALL COSTS DODGE THEM they make you wait in for week phone them up tthy say or we come out 1 tilll 6 then they come he says aw i cant fix it sorry. phone sky again or wait in 1 tilllll 6 they come again and again and again saying or i cant fix it if you cant fix it then you shouldnt work ffor BT-OpenReach/Sky should you? I WILL CANCEL MY DIRECT DEBIT UNTILL I HAVE VAILD INTERNET I SWEAR IF YOU DONT GET ME ON TOMORROW I WILL COMPLAIN TO WATCHDOG SLATE YOUR NAME AS YOU DESERVE IT
Sky is a total waste of money it never works properly the customer services are terrible and they over charge me despite offering half price tv of course they have no record of this after being a sky customer for years ive had enough and will be leaving as soon as my contracts up and to the sky employee who has commented just because other companies may do things does not mean that it is fair or acceptable for sky to do it to their customers.
what a lying, money taking company…. Never ever trust sales men for sky at you door…. I was told so many lies and had to pay out over £55 for something i had less than 2 weeks. some thing should be done about them..
Sky don’t have salesmen that come to the door. Local businesses are forever taking it upon themselves to do so, knowing that there’s money to be made from it. When they phone Sky with your details, they have no reason to believe that they are not the account holder, and therefore the account is set up. It’s unfortunate but completely legal, and as such, Sky have no control of the situation.
sky charged me for a movie i never ordered a child s one at that there is only my husbad and i both in our seventies we dont even know how to order a movie asked some stupid questions like i was about 5 yrs old still had to pay
We left Sky months ago and don’t miss it at all : )
I really have enjoyed SKY, especially all the news outlets that I get to watch. Sorry that Stratos went belly up..I really miss Aljazeera and PBS News hour and I hope that you find a way to air those two programs on another network. The movie and other channels however, are a huge disappointment. Ever since Halloween you’ve shown horror films every week (even during Christmas). Horror films are for people who are bored!!!! I think you have a thinking public that would like to see something other than films that stimulate bored minds.I am almost to the point of canceling my subscription because of the endless drivel of horror, reality shows (The Kardashians) and mindless sitcoms. No wonder the people behave like the walking dead, they are if they watch SKY. Whoever is responsible for your programming FIRE them, they are not sensitive to the public.
LoveFilm instant. BBC4 for documentary’s, interesting programmes Edra.
Sky charge a fortune & have year on year pushed up the price. There do seem to be a lot of adverts too and I do think much of the stuff is over repeated so they have more channels than they can use properly. Even more of a con is the +1 channels ( most have a SKY+ box so can record stuff at will ). I went down the rout of free sat which has HD & an apple TV box so I can keep on top of the latest movies with no monthly contract. SKY 3D is great but again you have to pay for the top package to have it & it’s only on for so many hours of the day or you have to pay for some of the movies at top price. With the £66 p/m I was paying I could easily buy a 3d DVD player & all the films I want to view for ever & still have change after one years subscription. They need to get with the times & understand they are no longer the only major service provider out there. A pay per view approach would be a good start so when you go on holiday you are not paying for something you don’t watch.
well what can i say about sky except crap, cancelled sky on the 21 jan and told them i was canceling bank and was told they would send me a paper bill out as a finnal payment so i waiting and waiting phoned them up again asked what my bill was going to be they said they could not tell me but would send a paper bill out so i waited again and to my shock i was sent a bill from a debt collection agency telling me i did not pay my bill but i said i have nevber had one but still had to pay, when i phoned sky they was very unhelp full they gave me the run round asked for a manager he was crap. broadband was always going off never any good from day one, i would avoid sky at all costs, and custermer complants is a total amount off crap, avoid avoid avoid avoid.
why put somone like gary neville on commentary matches…..anyone who knows chelsea knows
nevilles hate chelsea and chelsea dont like them….wake up or do want to really annoy chelsea fans..
Have to say prior to this evening I have thought that Sky Arts coverage of the Isle of Wight Festival 2012 has been appalling. Over-paid, over-rated former BBC employees and boys of about 6 years of age comparing a major music event in such a way that it is difficult to accept their employment – they are patronising, stupid and have little real knowledge of what they are talking about. The coverage, especially of the main acts has been virtualy non-existent. Apparently it is more fun to talk about going on the big wheel and of course name drop all the time.
Then tonight Springsteen is headlining and they talk to Rob Brydon – as if he’s an expert fan – what nonsense. Then they continually refer to Bruce as ‘the Boss’ in inane revered tones. Then they add to the insults by showing footage fron 1984/85 as if Bruce has done nothing since. Then when the show starts they decide to interview the Darkness patently having difficulty hearing each other because of the noise. Meanwhile the viewer is fobbed off continually that there will be some Bruce later, later, much later …. despite the whole programme being sold on the fact theat Springsteen is headlining the festival.
Sky have been totally disingenious about this. They have drawn people in to view but are not showing the main acts at all. We are still waiting for Bruce ….. BBC coverage of Glastonbury was awful a couple of years ago. Skys coverage here is absolutely appalling. they treat the viewer as a meal ticket and appear to show no concern about the content. Once again the viewers have been dealt a bad deal.
To follow up my earlier mail, I have spent some time trying to find contact details for Springsteen’s management – it seems they don’t want you to contact them. I can’t find any current addresses or emails. If this is the man who claims to love his fans and value their existence then I’m thinking he’s having a larf!! bruce the Corporate Springsteen has lost a fan over this. If it was his choice what got shown when, then he doesn’t care that much about his fans (except the paying ones I suppose) – you can’t get 60 million people on the Isle of Wight to watch him!!! How much money does he need these days I wonder..
SkyArts were at fault for their coverage, they were at fault for the rank advertising of their coverage but if Bruce has controlled the output then he can fuck off!
BBC4 (free – informative – interesting)
LoveFilm (£5 a month)
…who needs Sky? Haha
you forgot the small matter of the licence fee
you also forgot the appalling coverage of Glastonbury by the BBC a couple of years ago
goodnight troll
Oh yes, you are right. However…
The BBC licence fee is incredible value for money when you consider what you get in return. Advert free quality programmes, and then there’s the radio coverage as well.
Have you actually compared the outlays for both? Nah, thought not.
I pay over £130 monthly Sky subscription for their ‘full’ package. One of few programmes I get any pleasure from is Sky Arts (now Sky Arts 2) for the past two & a half weeks they have shown nothing but pap featuring Andrea Rieu and renamed the channel Sky Rieu in the Radio Times, I understand this will continue for a month! It’s bad enough that operas, ballets and concerts on on perpetual repeat but the occasional new Met Opera Season or some such are oases in a desert. Has Sky taken money from him, his record company or just simply been taken over by them? I plan to spend next weekend investigating alternative arrangemeents.
sky are the worst company ever and there customer service leaves a lot to be desired, I am still waiting for paper bill 3 weeks after cancelling my direct debit with them, they are probably waiting to get more money out of me no doubt, never ever go back to them again even if there wasn’t any other providers but thankfully there are.
anyone wanting ombudsman service you can get it on this website, just click on complaints about sky and there are loads of complaints shame they don`t learn from them, good luck peoples.
I like a lot of other sky viewers is feed up with repeat after repeats now they have just sent me a letter to tell me my bills going up by £3.50 a month you ring them up to complain its not the people who take the calls fault its to top people who aint got the balls to come on the phone to talk to the customers about there complaint well I will be telling sky they can disconnect me as like other messages in here it is crap they talk a load of crap how good they are but don’t care about the customers at all one angry customer bill
9th Sept & 16 Sept Kidnap & Ransom on UKTV same episode 2 weeks in a row
10th Sept & 17th Sept Heartbeat on UKTV same episode 2 weeks in a row
Luther episodes are repeat repeat repeat.
We are paying for something we have already seen. Come on Sky get your act together.
Why can Sky not make the program guide customizable by allowing rearrangement of programs in the list (like freeview) – so that +1 channels and associated channels can immediately follow the main channel.
e.g. ITV, ITV HD, ITV +1, ITV 2, etc.rather than needing a written check list (favourites is not help) or a computer brain to remember channel numbers? Surely it can’t be so difficult.
No signal for 2 months now whilst still paying for sky. First engineer came and told me he couldnt access the dish. It needs a special access team. Second appointment cancelled due to excessive workload. Third appointment cancelled. 4th appointment engineer turns up in the dark and tells me he can’t fix it in the dark, not allowed to – so why turn up?
Contacted Customer Services to complain – they put the phone down on me.
No TV service until mid January (maybe) – goodbye Christmas blockbusters.
No refund on paid subscription offered.
Time to move from Sky i think.
I just wanted to agree that Sky are rubbish!!
I signed up on my LG TV for the NowTV package. It stated a free months trial so off I went to sign up.
I was then charged £4.99 which yes is not a great deal but is not actually free! After contacting Skys amazing customer services I was told that I signed up for the Entertainment Package as well as the free Movie Package.
If I were intelligent I would actually remember choosing options upon signing up! There were no options you Sky twats! I was conned into paying for a free months service!
Wow!! I will not be using Sky again. and after reading the Sky employees posts I will be amazed if they can come back with something to me if they actually try to use the sign up site for Digital TV and not get charged something!
Why did my sky subscription go up this year when sky sports is total rubbish now? You’ve barely had a game worth watching this year. Every major game it seem is on bt, if it doesn’t improve drastically next season it’s being switched off, especially as you don’t even have the champions league any more, but no doubt you’ll still be complacent and put the price up again. 15 years a full subscription and I’m sorry but this season sky sports is not worth the money
the arsenal keeper should be banned for a long time, I am sat with my three children watching the game when as he left the field he made a abusive gesture which my children all saw and commented on wht does that say about respect
Hello Everyone,
Sky is an absolute rubbish monopoly that continually shows old programming and over charges people. Their staff are extremely rude as you can see above. They charge for their telephone calls and after extended waiting times even their own managers cannot sort out simple problems. The programming is the cheapest available as are their call centres in India. The programing is also shown over and over again. This is an attempt obviously by greedy executives trying to maximise profits. The issue about sky over charging people is illegal and incompetent. In both cases according to UK law it is grounds for them to lose their license. Please email your over billing complaints to me at Scott.Roberts47@btinternet.com. I would like to file a class action lawsuit against Sky.
Sky sports is becoming a sky sports for Arsenal Man united and City&Ttotenham
There are other supporters that subscribe and are disenfranchised by the obsessive nature towards these clubs
Only today the sky panel went on for so long about Manchester United Geoff spelling made a passing apology for not mentioning aston villa
Unless it changes subscriptions will suffer and I will certainly be in amongst them
I wanted to forward one of hundreds of comments that are coming through on a website below. Your call centre in India seem to be very keen to answer them as you can see below.
The only problem as I have experienced myself is that you are charging a toll rate to speak with these people in India whom are not trained or informed of any correct information as you can see below. They obviously do not understand that Sky is purchasing the programming and are in complete control of the quality and frequency of repeats. These Indian people are extremely rude as are your UK call centres. The Indian call centres are also completely useless as they can only try and sell you something that you do not want. If your issue has to do with anything else then they put you through to the UK call centre which just costs you more time on a toll rate number. What a disgrace Sky is as they are just trying to get all the money that they can for an extremely poor service. They even try and rip people off or over charge them when they can as they have done in my case several times. I explained to you that I am an Engineer. The new design of your Sky box is a joke. You have obviously spent the least amount of money possible on it even leaving redundant systems. You sent me one of these with the wireless and did not even bother to give me one with a terabyte after all the problems that I have had with Sky’s repetitive over billing. Sky must have a very good friend in government to be getting away with this for so long. The licensing laws need to be changed. This is an extremely disgraceful monopoly. It is only a matter of time until things will change and the sooner the better in my opinion. The word will get out whether it is over the internet or through lawsuits. The technology is changing quickly as well so people will move to other options immediately when one becomes available as we will do.
I tried for cancel my subscription by e-mail but they said I could not do that for security reasons even though they have no problems adding to your package online. They did agree to wring me, but when I failed to hear from them I just cancelled my DD. They got in touch with me by phone a month after cutting name off they claimed to have tried to phone me twice before as promised one of the times given to me was defiantly a lie as I certainly in. They said as I had not officially given them my months notice I had to pay £60+ for my months notice. I exepeted the channels that I played for to come back on for the final month. When the channels did neot come back on they told me that payment was from the date that was from the date my DD was ment to come out to the date I officially cancelled so infact I had been
Charged over £60 for a service not received. Once I had got my finances in order I had intended to go back to Sky but that will not happen now.
When I first subscribed to sky sports years ago it was a breath of fresh air from the continual garbage that newspapers provide to headline Man U,Chelsea ,Arsenal and Liverpool. West mids football ignored and most of the rest of premier league ignored, it’s hopeless to get news if your club is in the lower leagues.
Sky news has now become like that in fact it’s worse because I pay an expensive subscription
Sky news is being run by footballers who played for top 4/5 clubs and have no interest in anyone else
Cancelling my subscription Is very near.
Sky never take any notice so I don’t know why I bother
I am thinking about to cancel my sky package in febuary 2016 as i have been very anoid with repeats over the christmas the programs were shocking seems you are paying for nothing just being ripped off all i want is a music channel for my disabled daughter at a cheap senseable cost if you dont come up with a offer good by sky.
I have happily subscribed to Sky Sports for many years but have noticed that while the subscription costs rises the coverage of top football games has decreased this year. It is apparent that BT Sports football game coverage has greatly increased to the detriment of Sky Sports and will continue through into next season. It seems that I will now be forced to subscribe to BT Sports as well as Sky Sports to regularly watch the games all because Sky Sports have failed in their bid for coverage of these matches and no refund offered.