Hi today when I took the e bus into town I got onto the bus but as the bus driver got onto the bus he put away his electronic cigerrete but got on to the bus and blue out the smoke he was actually on the bus I believe this is called smoking on the bus which is banned there are signs up saying no smoking but he was smoking just a personal note I don’t appreciate walking through smoke especially a disease which can harm people’s lives I want something done about this please you are meant to have safe buses well this is not safe the driver is 44010. Bus 48006. 081215 bus e in exwick. This is not the only issue your bus drivers smoke right in the entrance I have already said I know some of your drivers don’t care about people who do care about life because they smoke in non smoking areas at the bus station this disease is dangerous I don’t appreciate your drivers harming me with this disease if it wasn’t harmful it wouldn’t take lives these driver’s are increasing the risk of harming