I have been shopping today at my local Tesco store where I shop daily, I was shopping with my 22mth old son and my friends 8yr old daughter. I used a self service till as I had a basket and my friends daughter wanted to scan my shopping as she thought it would be fun, When we finished shopping I walked away from the self serivce with the children, I must have walked about half a yard from the self service tills, I was not walking out of the shop as I stopped to make sure everything was in order an as I bent down i realised i had bleach in the bottom of my pram that had not been paid for (but it ws a buy one get one free and i had already paid for one, so why would I steal something that I was getting free?) my friends daughter then said to me ” the babies t,shirt” to wich I looked up and realised it was hanging on the pram, I said “hang on there while i just go and pay for the T.shirt and scan the buy one get one free bleach” as I turned around to do this I was approached by a ladie who said “could you pay for your T.shirt” I replied “i know i am paying now” next thing a security person came over to tell me i had stole the babies T,shirt, I said “no i dindnt i havent even left the store and i am going to pay now, “he wouldnt let me pay and led me to the customer service, he asked for the reciept, i had left it in the self service till but all they had to do was look on the cctv, as soon as he heard my accent his approach totally changed, and the cashiers also looked at him all because i was from Liverpool, I was then treated disgusting by this man, he told me he wanted me to go with him, i sdaid ” not with my children” he said to bring them with me, i said “no, your upsetting my children and embarresing me infront of my children and other customers” but he carried on, in the end I said ” im going home” to wich he replied “your not going nowhere” I felt really intimidated and just wanted to leave the store so i put the T.shirt on the side and said “keep it, I dont want your T,shirt” he then chased after me and grabbed my arm and started walking in front of my sons pram so not only did he frighten me he was also frightening my son, I carried on and went home, later on I decided to go back and sort and approach the staff to ask why i had been treated this way, when I was on my way I realised i had left my soap powder and my purse, when i got there i asked the ladie behind the counter for my purse to which all your stuff is with the ploice, i said “why, ive done nothing wrong,” so understandably I was not impressed by this as my purse had all my money and credit card and everthing else in it and i had 2 children to feed and no money to get to work the next day, I then got that annoyed that I started getting het up with the lady behind the counter to wich she told me i was barred from the shop, she would not give me any information on what police station it was at or anything else that i asked her, it was like i was punished for being a victim! The first thing I am going to do tommorow is get on to my solicitor as this is totally unacceptable treatment and also defimation of character all because he did not like my accent he totally went against me, This should not have happened in the first place for it to get that far, all because i turned around to pay for a T.shirt i had left hanging on the pram, if someone was going to steal they would not leave it hanging there for everyone to see! I have never been treated so disgusting in my life and for it to happen in front of my children is even worse! I will not be letting this drop.