Dear McVities Chocolate Digestive,
Much as I appreciate your continued support through times thick and thin, I fear it may be time I begin searching for a replacement culinary comfort blanket.
For years now, I have craved no other lover – perhaps in a stereotypical manner, whenever I’m feeling low, I reach for the teapot.
And nothing helps this grand British tradition more than a selection of biscuits to pass those first few minutes, to settle the steam curling from the cup, to avoid that awful burning of the lips that occur should you be too hasty. However, sadly I feel our – once beautiful – relationship may be coming to a close, for so long I managed to resist temptation. Yes, occasionally Hobnobs caught my eye, once in a while I may have lingered by the Bourbons and even – I admit it – the Jaffa cakes. But never did I give in to this appeal…until now.
I’ve had it with sticky fingers! I’m done with crumbling bases and the additives that mean you can never just stop at one. But all these irritants I could have dealt with were it not for the ruination if my final, precious mouthfuls of tea.
So for now, I bid you farewell old friend – we had a good roll.
And who knows, after my foray into the previously forbidden world of confectionary, I may return. Until then, adieu.
(Please note, this embargo begins tomorrow morning. As the shops are shut now and you’re all I have left.)
I got a packet of jaffa cakes and there was no orange filling in the whole packet and i was very dissipointed after buying them !! And also they tasted rotten and i looked on the packet to see if they were out of date but they wernt ! I give them to my child and she nearly been sick ! Terrible terrible ! Very dissipointed in them after all i love jaffa cakes!!
i would just like to bring to your attention
Living in Greece i manage to but your choc digetive biscuits
only to find they are all stuck together and to eat them i have to break them into crumbs
surely there is a better way of packing them so they don’t stick altogether
but on saying that i dought i will be buying any more this is the fourth time i have bought them
and they are too expensive to have to keep throwing them in the bin
thankyou for reading my comment
I haven’t had a penguin biscuits since I was a child I am now 71 and I felt like I had been conned they aren’t even half the size they used to be, you can’t even call them two bites as my grandsons say
Dear Penguin Man/woman
“Q: Why did the two penguins jump up when they first met?”
“A: They were trying to break the ice”
I have recently purchased a pack of 9 Penguin biscuits as I really enjoy them during a hard day of volunteering at the orphanage for blind children. On my break I make a hot cup of tea and sit down with the children and eat penguins, due to them not having the ability to see it always brightens up their day when I tell them the joke on the back of your packets. However it has recently come to my attention that the joke above has appeared 7/9 times from the packet that I bought. The children found this joke rather amusing the first three times I read it but after this they became increasingly bored and depressed as did I. This is just an email to inform that you need better jokes with more variation within your packets. The children and I do not require any compensation but ask that you take this into much consideration